From angry to calm, I learned a new art of living (script)

从生气到平静,我学会了一门新的生活艺术From angry to calm, I learned a new art of living. 我这几年最大的一个变化就是当外界的环境突然发生变化的时候,我已经没有什么情绪了,就是不会生气了。比如今天,我本来是在设计我的网站的。然后因为我要上一节课,所以我就提前10分钟把设计网站的工作停下来了。你们可以看,这是我本来做的工作,然后我要打开我的Google docs给我的学生,然后把我的白板也搬过来。我把所有的准备工作都做好了。然后我发现我的学生发了一条信息,说他的妈妈突然需要他的帮助,所以他需要去帮助他的妈妈了,他突然不能来上课了。虽然很多时候他们没来上课,但是学生也跟我说:老师我可以付钱,对不起!我虽然说没有关系,但是我觉得我还是很不爽!因为我觉得我已经做好了准备了,你在最后我做好了准备的时候,才告诉我我不可以上课了。我感觉我自己的努力没有得到一个正向的回应。所以以前这种时候我真的是会很生气!但是好像这两年我就没有这种感觉了。比如说今天我收到他的消息的时候,我甚至是很高兴,我说:哦,太好了!我又可以继续设计我的网站了,哈哈。   DOWNLOAD PDF FILE Go to homepage

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Daily Chinese Lesson 30 How old is your brother?

第三十课  你哥哥多大了?Dì sānshí kè  Nǐ gēge duō dà?New Words1座zuò 2山shān 3高gāo 4工资gōngzī 5河hé 6深shēn 7市中心shì zhōngxīn 8远yuǎn 9药yào How to say the following sentences in Chinese? (The answer is in our live stream lesson based on this material.)Pattern: Subject + ....…

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Daily Chinese Lesson 29 I bought two new clothes

New Words1件Jiàn 2新xīn 3衣服yīfu 4网上wǎngshàng 5条tiáo 6裤子kùzi 7商场shāngchǎng 8上星期shàng xīngqī How to say the following sentences in Chinese? (The answer is in our live stream lesson based on this material.)Pattern:Subject + specific time + location + verb + complement + object 1.I…

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Daily Chinese Lesson 28 How often do you wash your hair?

第二十八课  你多久洗一次头?Dì èrshíbā kè  nǐ duōjiǔ xǐ yícì tóu ?New Words1次cì 2多久duōjiǔ 3洗澡xǐzǎo 4游泳yóuyǒng 5跑步pǎobù 6玩游戏wán yóuxì 7爬山páshān 8运动yùndòng How to say the following sentences in Chinese? (The answer is in our live stream lesson based on this…

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Daily Chinese Lesson 27 I can’t finish this watermelon.

第二十七课  我吃不完这个西瓜。Dì èrshíqī kè  wǒ chī bù wán zhège xīguā.New Words1完Wán 2西瓜xīguā 3蛋糕dàngāo 4饮料yǐnliào 5本běn 6书shū  How to say the following sentences in Chinese? (The answer is in our live stream lesson based on this material.)Pattern:Verb…

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Daily Chinese Lesson 26 You took the wrong bus.

第二十六课  你坐错车了。Dì èrshíliù kè  nǐ zuò cuò chē le.New Words1拿Ná 2错cuò 3杯子bēizi 4进jìn 5房间fángjiān 6药yào 7对duì 8说shuō 9回答/答huídá/dá 10选择/选xuǎnzé/xuǎn How to say the following sentences in Chinese? (The answer is in our live stream lesson based on this material.)Pattern:Verb +…

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Daily Chinese Lesson 25 The medicine is sold out.

第二十五课  药卖完了。Dì èrshíwǔ kè  yào mài wán le.1药Yào 2卖mài 3完wán 4火车票huǒchē piào 5蔬菜shūcài 6纸zhǐ 7用yòng 8作业zuòyè 9洗xǐ 10衣服yīfú  How to say the following sentences in Chinese? (The answer is in our live stream lesson based on this material.)Pattern:Verb + 完…

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Daily Chinese Lesson 24 What do you eat on Christmas Eve?

第二十四课  你们平安夜吃什么?Dì èrshísì kè  Nǐmen píng'ānyè chī shénme?New Words1年轻人Niánqīngrén 2平安夜píng'ānyè 3苹果píngguǒ 4火腿huǒtuǐ 5火鸡huǒ jī 6土豆泥tǔdòuní 7布丁bùdīng 8饼干bǐnggān How to say the following sentences in Chinese? (The answer is in our live stream lesson based on this material.)Pattern:Subject +…

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Daily Chinese Lesson 23 What Christmas gifts have you received?

第二十三课  你圣诞节收到过什么礼物?Dì èrshísān kè  Nǐ shèngdànjié shōudào guò shènme lǐwù?New Words1收到Shōu dào 2圣诞卡shèngdànkǎ 3学生xuéshēng 4股票gǔpiào 5书shū 6食物shíwù 7饮料yǐnliào 8故事gùshì 9部bù 10电影diànyǐng How to say the following sentences in Chinese? (The answer is in our live stream lesson based on this…

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Daily Chinese Lesson 22 What do you do on Christmas?

第二十二课  你圣诞节做什么?Dì èrshíèr kè  Nǐ shèngdànjié zuò shénme?New Words1圣诞节Shèngdànjié 2镇/镇上zhèn/zhènshàng 3早茶zǎochá 4在家zàijiā 5几点jǐdiǎn   How to say the following sentences in Chinese? (The answer is in our live stream lesson based on this material.)Pattern:Subject + specific time +…

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