Daily Chinese Lesson 8 Make Chinese friends

第八课  交中国朋友

Dì bā kè    jiāo zhōngguó péngyou

Warm-up: Three things that you should have if you want to survive in China:

中国电话卡 Zhōngguó diànhuàkǎ

中国银行卡  Zhōngguó yínhángkǎ

微信   wēixìn

  1. A:明天有空吗?Míngtiān yǒukòng ma?


C: 没有。Méiyǒu.

  1. A: 你有微信吗?Nǐ yǒu wēixìn ma?


C: 没有。Méiyǒu.

  1. A: 我们加个微信吧。Wǒmen jiā ge wēixìn ba.

   B: 可以。Kěyǐ.

  4. A:一起去骑自行车吧?Yīqǐ qù qí zìxíngchē ba?

B:好啊。 Hǎo a.

C: 我没空。Wǒ méi kòng.

  1. A:我请你吃饭。Wǒ qǐng nǐ chīfàn.

   B: 好啊。Hǎo a.

   C: 下次吧。Xià cì ba.

  1. A:我来买单。Wǒ lái mǎidā

   B: 谢谢! Xièxie!

   C: 我们AA吧。Wǒmen AA ba.

Please go to my Instagram marcopolomandarin for the Live Stream Daily Chinese Lesson based on this material.

Becky Huang

Hey, my name is Becky. I'm a Chinese teacher certified by the Confucius Institute with 14 years of teaching experience. I wrote all these exercises based on the New HSK Standard (2021).